Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 112,409,164 Issue: 224 | 20th day of Sleeping, Y8
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Already Ate It

by j_ja_l_2003

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Randomness II
Hannah, you jump too high!

by wizardmoncita


Earning Back Friendship
"A Lupe's got a right to hum," I said indignantly. "You're lucky I'm not singing."

by animalnutz1993


The Kadoatie Katastrophe
Neoschool had broken up the day before for seven long weeks, and I had a tigersquash for breakfast. Everything was perfect. Until, that is, the door opened and in came my little sister...

by bookworm_kate347


Wreathies on the Record
The special program we bring you today is one of mysterious origins. Until recently, very little has been known about these jolly wintery petpets known as Wreathies.

by sum41girl2k

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