Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 112,409,164 Issue: 224 | 20th day of Sleeping, Y8
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Random Neopians - Gnorbu Fanatics

by kwoz25eevee

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The Five Kaus: Part One
"But I've heard rumors that his lab ray can change me into a different Neopet!" Metonot complained. "I don't WANT to change into another Neopet!"

by jacob133


Top Five: Darigan's
... Oh dear.

by citadell


Slippery When Wet
Warning: Funny when read.

by nopp88


As the Clouds Clear: Part One
No one could understand why she always seemed so upset now. They'd approach her and ask, "Why so sad?" without noticing her grey coloring...

by puppy200010

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