Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 112,982,760 Issue: 225 | 27th day of Sleeping, Y8
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by poppie_ng

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25 Things Not To Do At The Golden Dubloon!
As you casually edge your way to the food counter, you notice every other pet in there is staring at you. Scared yet? You should be!

by stone_dogs


14 Terrors of Typing Terror!
For starters, you would assume the avatar shouldn’t be THAT hard to achieve, especially if you type fairly well. That, however, was your first mistake...

by crazyginger83


A Part of the Family 2: a Xweetok Brother
Crazy listened to the playful bickering between her pets. It had been nearly three months...

by guy_sebastian_crazy


Smycks' Tales #1
I found something delicious!

by helmfinland

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