The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 113,211,275 Issue: 226 | 3rd day of Awakening, Y8
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Where's the PPL? o_O

by thorndie

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Walking the Plank
Aboard the docks, Jacques sat depressed next to the edge of the ship, hanging his head over the side of the railing. There was a pinch of guilt and low self-esteem in his stomach that couldn't quite fade...

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Searching For Paradise: Part Eight
"Well, this is probably the riskiest thing I've ever done!" Allehya hissed to Tye. "And that's saying something for a stray!"

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The Adventures of Brainy and E
First in a series about my favorite Dynamic Duo!

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The Treasured Diary: Part One
Nearly every night there were grand balls full of his loyal subjects who did everything in their power to make sure they kissed up to him as much as possible. He shook his head in bemusement. Oh yes, being a prince was just terrible.

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