There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 114,248,913 Issue: 228 | 17th day of Awakening, Y8
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The Crabby Owner

by blackdragon8866

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A Quest to Remember
Clearly, this was not going to be my day.

by fox_83


The Super Ultra Strength Serum
Peace reigned in the land of potato farmers and gruel, but few had truly forgotten the terror that had befallen their kingdom. However, none ever imagined that they would have to face a similar horror once more...

by kushbi


PPL Problems
Of course, the infernal PPL has to put their foot in it. For whatever reason (plot? Must check that out), they refuse to allow you to sell labbed petpets. Oh, and they claim to be worried about the poor little critters. The liars.

by haannsolo


Hidden Sister
I forced back my tears, and stared back into the fire. Maureen was my sister, but I had never seen her. Never. Once. All I had heard were stories.

by _jadestorm_

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