The Misadventures of a White Weewoo
by precious_katuch14
"Please, Julius, keep your Weewoo quiet!" yelled Diana from
the living room. "I'm trying to compute our budget for the past few months, and
I can't do it with your petpet calling and making a racket!"
Julius the white Lupe sighed. "Aw, it's all
in Phoebe's personality!" he replied loudly. "She loves to explore and then
make calls at night! You can't blame her for that!" He heard his owner sigh
in reply, and then he turned back to Phoebe the white Weewoo.
"I'm sorry," he whispered to his petpet fondly.
"You'll have to keep it down if you want Diana to let you stay here for good."
Phoebe looked up at her owner with concern in her large, dark eyes, opened her
beak to yawn, and finally curled up to sleep in her tiny bed. "Good night, Phoebe,"
said Julius as he drifted off to sleep on his own bed. After a moment of observing
the Weewoo, he curled up on his bed and began to snore.
Just several minutes later, Phoebe woke up with a start and looked at her owner
on his bed. The snoring had stopped, a sign that he was now sleeping soundly,
like a baby Lupe. She stretched on her little petpet bed, gazing at the ceiling,
probably thinking of Diana's complaints about her nightly habits and affinity
for adventure.
But tonight, both Diana and Julius were now
asleep. And the day was quite boring-unless she counted the time when she was
finally painted white. She wanted adventure, action. Tonight was the night.
She slowly crept out of her Lupe owner's room,
partly but gently pushed open the door, and stepped out into the hallway. No
sound was coming from the door on the left-a good sign. Diana must be asleep
too. Just in case, she made her way soundlessly, and made it to the front door.
Phoebe tried pushing it. Unfortunately it was locked, unlike Julius' door, which
was almost always left ajar.
The Weewoo spotted the table next to the door,
which was close to an open window. A couple of stools varying in size were beside
the table, and to Phoebe they looked like steppingstones into the world outside
the Neohome. She gingerly hopped onto the first chair, climbed up onto the second,
and made it to the table. From there, she jumped out the window, the bushes
below it cushioning her fall.
This was it…the outside world. Phoebe surveyed
the row of Neohomes, the plants surrounding them, and looked up into the night
sky. Stars littered every inch of the Neopian sky. Neopia Central looked much
better at night, with no bustling owners and Neopets bumping into her, or accidentally
stepping on her tail. There were so many great things out here, and there was
no one around to stop her adventurous spirit.
She first decided to try the Magic Shop. Julius
had often said that it was a very interesting place, so Phoebe decided to find
out for herself if it was true.
The Weewoo silently hopped over to a low window.
Unfortunately the window was still too high for her to reach, so Phoebe pushed
a rock over to it, and stood up on the large stone in order to see better.
There were bottles of many different things
stacked neatly on a shelf. Some shelves were empty, probably wiped out by avid
restocking Neopians. But it was nighttime, and no one was inside. Kauvara, the
shopkeeper, was probably either asleep or busy making another new potion. Julius
was only half right-the Magic Shop was only interesting during the day.
Phoebe jumped off the stone and made her way
towards the other shops, often using her "stand-on-the-rock" trick to help her
see what was inside every building. She saw tantalizing treats in the Food Shop,
and her tummy began to growl. The Weewoo pecked the door, and found out that
it was open. She entered the shop, and found shelves upon shelves of food. No
one was around…and no one would notice if she took a bite.
The white Weewoo instinctively hopped onto the
lowest shelf, where a small piece of cheese was sitting, and began to eat for
a while.
Phoebe had never felt so well fed in her entire life. She tottered out of the
shop, very happy, and took no notice that she had wiped out a couple of cheese
wedges, a red apple and even some cheese and onion crisps. Then she went off
to explore some more.
But the rest of the shops were locked, and not
well stocked. The little Weewoo was losing interest in Neopia Central, and she
didn't want to go home yet.
She spied a small patch of trees nearby…and
her spirits began to soar. There seemed to be another place that she hadn't
seen yet. The white Weewoo ran over to the tree-filled area, and began following
the path.
The path got steadily darker as Phoebe went
on. What she didn't know was that she was now entering the Haunted Woods-a place
even some of the bravest Neopians didn't dare enter at night, especially near
midnight. Phoebe shuddered, but she didn't dare turn back. What if a great adventure
lay ahead of her? She wasn't about to let such a chance slip away fast.
Time slowly fell away as the Weewoo continued
walking. Every now and then lingering shadows and strange noises would make
her neck feathers stand straight up. Still, she paid no attention to those feathers
of hers. At last she made it out of the dense road, and was now in the heart
of the Haunted Woods. Excitement and pride filled her mind as she waddled towards
the first structure-which she didn't know was Eliv Thade's haunted dwelling.
Phoebe opened the door, and walked in. Haunting
portraits that seemed to follow her were hung everywhere. The furniture cast
weird shadows, and as if that wasn't enough, she heard footsteps, and they were
getting louder by the second.
"Who dares enter my dwelling? You dare challenge
me, Eliv Thade, to a game of anagrams?" the deranged Kacheek called. His eyes
met the scared-looking Weewoo on the carpet.
"ETIWH!!!" said Eliv, looking at Phoebe straight
in the eye. She was shivering, and continued to shake as he held her in his
paw. "You do not know?" He grinned, an evil grin spreading across his face.
The Weewoo couldn't answer. She leapt out of
his paw and made a mad dash towards the door. Phoebe didn't stop running-until
she hit a tree that immediately wheeled around and bellowed, "Who dares disturb
the Brain Tree's sleep?"
"Who dares escape the great Eliv Thade?" screamed
the Kacheek from inside his house.
"SSSHHHHUUUTTTT UUUPPPP!!!" screamed the Esophagor,
startling Phoebe even more. The Weewoo fled to Edna's tower to hide, and heard
some very startling words.
"Now…I shall work on my magical potion of Weewoo
transforming!" came the voice of the witch from inside. The white Weewoo shuddered
again, and fled into the Spooky Petpet shop instead. But she still didn't feel
safe. There were weird moving shadows just about her size, and they made strange,
scary noises.
"Meep?" said a nearby Meepit, startling Phoebe
and making her leap into the air. She whipped around and found herself staring
at a creature with large, staring eyes. The Weewoo sprinted for the door again.
She wasn't safe anywhere in these woods…scariness lurked around every corner.
Phoebe tried to look for the path leading out back to Neopia Central, where
it was not very exciting…but safe anyway. But she couldn't find it. Her surroundings
were quite dim.
Instead, she raced to the Deserted Fairground,
and stopped to catch her breath next to the gate.
"Doessss Ssssidney sssspy a cussssstomer?" a
voice rang out somewhere next to her. She looked up into the face of a scary-looking
Nimmo clutching a pair of cards. He was wearing a malevolent grin, and gazing
intently at poor Phoebe, who dashed off, right into the Deserted Fairground.
She suddenly came face to face with a structure that looked somewhat like a
strange, frightening clown. The sight alone was enough to make Phoebe run out
again, not caring if Sidney was still staring at her.
But her troubles were far from over. She bumped
into a Chia, wearing a black cape, sporting a small moustache, and an evil grin
to match.
"Hello, little unexpected visitor to the Haunted
Woods," whispered Hubrid Nox. He picked up the Weewoo and walked to his lair,
which was not very far.
"You look like you could make a good sidekick,"
he hissed. "I bet you can lend me a hand in taking over Neopia and making all
Neopets my slaves."
Phoebe tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but
it was too tight. She gazed at some jars and bottles with weird contents in
them, and a portrait of a young Wocky. The frame was cracked, dingy and downright
broken. She stared avidly at him and his determined look.
"Ah, you haven't heard of MAGAX: Destroyer,
have you?" said Nox. "Ah…he was evil turned good, and is now my worst nemesis…Oh,
if you would help me get rid of him, my plans will be unstoppable. Perhaps you
would want a nice drink? I shall fetch you one right now…"
The Chia set Phoebe down on a large armchair
and walked off to another part of his lair. Seeing her chance to flee once again,
the Weewoo dropped onto a pillow to make sure her captor wouldn't hear a sound,
and broke into a run for the front door. She pushed the door open, but it wouldn't
open. Phoebe looked up and saw that it was locked. The lock would be easy to
pry. The only problem was that it was too high for her to reach.
"Dear little Weewoo, I'm back!" called Nox.
Phoebe had to act quickly. She found a large
footstool, and pushed it in front of the door. The Weewoo hopped onto it and
quickly started pecking and pulling the lock. The villain's shadow loomed from
the shadows of the hallway just as she heard a small click.
She jumped off the stool, pushed it away, and
in turn pushed open the door in time, and dashed away. The sky seemed considerably
less dim, and it could only mean one thing.
Dawn was now breaking, and Phoebe had to hurry,
otherwise Julius and Diana would find out she was missing. The Weewoo searched
frantically for the same path she took to get into the Haunted Woods, and once
she found it, ran off, back into Neopia Central. The sky was getting brighter
now, and some of the shopkeepers were now awake. Phoebe ducked behind a rock
larger than herself so the early Neopians wouldn't kick her by accident. Next
she made a mad dash towards her Neohome, ran for Julius' room, and jumped right
into her tiny bed. Just a few moments after the white Weewoo was back safe and
sound, the white Lupe awoke, yawned and looked down at Phoebe, who was dozing
after a busy night.
"Wow," said Julius. "She was really quiet last
"I agree," added Diana, peeking into her pet's
room. "In fact, Phoebe can stay here with us!" She walked in and bent over,
looking fondly at the Weewoo.
"Looks like she's dreaming of a big adventure!"
remarked Julius' owner.
The End