The Sky is the Limit: Part Two
by tolkienlordofthering
Harry slept soundly until morning. He got up with a few
aches and bruises, and got ready to give the news to the Moach.
On the same field that he had landed on the Doglefox
the first time, the professor and his class sat in a circle, waiting for Harry.
The Moach stood up when he saw Harry approaching.
"Hey there! I was afraid you wouldn't show up, as my follow-up is quite poor.
My class is very excited to watch you perform your amazing stunts and learn
from the best of the best."
"Uhh, right... Anthony?" Harry said, scratching
his neck.
"Call me Tony. And you?" he laughed. "Forgive
me, in all the excitement of last week, I didn't even catch your name."
"Harry. I'm Harry."
"Marvelous. Well, shall we get started then?"
Anthony asked excitedly, turning to his students.
"Well, actually... I, uh, can't teach... I'm,
erm..." the Mootix said uncertainly.
"What's that my boy? Nonsense! Well, what are
we waiting for? You've got a class to teach! Get in that airplane and show them
what you can do!"
"Right. Of course," Harry said, defeated. It
would be impossible to convince this headstrong Moach that he couldn't and wouldn't
teach. He walked over to the airplane and climbed in, determined to successfully
teach the class what little he knew.
Harry faced his new students from Anthony's plane.
Not really sure what to say, and not wanting to sound too strict or important,
he just started to speak. "Today I'll show you how to skydive," he said, matter-of-factly.
The students looked at him, with blank expressions
on their faces. One small Vernax called out smartly, "We already KNEW you were
going to teach us how to skydive. That's why we're here. Duh."
"Erm, right. Well, I meant, I'm just going to
show you the basics today. We're not actually going to SKYDIVE. I'm just going
to teach you how to use the equipment today, and next lesson I'll show you more.
We have to go in small, easy-to-learn steps. After all, you can't learn how
to skydive in one week, can you?" The Mootix frowned at his last sentence.
Harry started to show the students of different
parts worked, and would quiz them every so often to see if they were understanding
everything, although he himself didn't know fully what he was talking about.
"Now, what does the ripcord do?" he asked, calling
on a Lady Blurg that raised her hand.
"It's what you pull to release the parachute.
And if you can't pull it in time, you'll hit the ground and get hurt," she grinned.
"Uhh, yeah. So you want to make sure, BEFORE
you dive, that everything is in order and nothing is tangled... otherwise you
could fall into a pond," he said.
Again, the class stared blankly at him.
"Never mind. Anyway, let's continue," he said
quickly, continuing to get everyone familiar with everything.
Anthony was impressed with his new instructor,
although he could be a bit odd at times. He smiled fondly as the Mootix taught
the class.
"Now, I know that nobody likes homework, but
I want everyone to make a graph of a parachute and how the parts work. I want
you to learn it well, otherwise you won't be able to continue and do well in
the class. And we all know that the number one priority in this class is safety,"
Harry instructed, handing the students a sheet with some information on it.
When the class was over, and the students had
left, Harry started packing up the equipment. When he had finished, he turned
to leave.
"Harry, that was incredible. I've never seen
anyone teach so well before. How many years have you been teaching?" Anthony
said, amazed.
"Well, actually, this was my first time ever
teaching..." replied the Mootix, shrugging.
"Well you did wonderful nonetheless. I'll see
you next Monday!"
"Yeah. Next Monday. See you then," Harry said,
smiling weakly.
"WHAT?!" Harry cried, shoving a thick book at Tila. "I'm NOT reading that thing!
It's 1583 pages long, not counting all the indexes and--"
"Harry, be QUIET!" Tila snapped, forcing him
to take it back. "You're going to read this manual. I don't care how boring
it is, or how long it takes, as long as you're done by next Monday. You NEED
to know what you're teaching this class. The last thing you need is a repeat
of the pond incident."
Harry slumped down against the wall. "Do you
seriously think that I'm going to relive that? Am I really stupid enough to
jump again without checking and rechecking all the ropes, levers, buttons, and
so forth? I don't think so! So you know what? Take your silly little book back,
and let me teach my own class!"
"Harry, you're impossible. Fine, crash into another
pond, see if I care. All I know is that you can't teach other people what you
don't know yourself," Tila said indignantly, tossing her head back and stomping
out the door, taking great care to slam it as hard as she possibly could.
"Ooooh, you're so impossible Harry. You can't
teach a bunch of students how to skydive, even though you've done it thousands
of times yourself. Oh Harry, you're so immature," the Mootix mimicked, rolling
his eyes. "I'll show her AND her absurd little manual how it's done."
He frowned, seeing that Tila had dropped the
thick book before leaving. He angrily shoved it under his bookshelf.
All that week, Harry would think about various skydiving tricks he had learned.
But thinking was as far as he got. He couldn't put them into practice without
a plane, and without a Tila, there was no plane.
When Monday finally rolled around, the Mootix
was no better off knowledge or skill-wise than he was the week before, possibly
worse, as he had not gotten a chance to practice for over a week.
Again, Harry, Anthony, and the small class of
students sat in the small park next to Anthony's plane.
"Now, did everyone complete their graph of the
parachute?" Harry questioned, walking from student to student, collecting their
papers. He came upon a certain young Vernax, only to find out that he had not
completed, or even started the chart yet.
"Where is it, Darren?" the Mootix asked patiently.
"I didn't do it," the mischievous petpetpet replied.
"I just didn't feel like it."
Harry sighed, not exactly sure how to handle
the situation. "Listen, I need to see it by next class, or you won't be able
to skydive with the rest of us. You should take this very seriously, as skydiving
is a very dangerous sport. Understood?"
"Yeah," smirked Darren. "I'll have it done."
"Good," Harry said sternly, turning to the whole
class. "Now, today we'll do a little bit of review, then I'll do a quick demonstration
for you, so you can see exactly how it's done before next week."
After a few moments of review, Anthony got the
plane ready, and Harry began preparing for another jump. When ready, he hopped
into the plane and they took off for a demonstration jump.
Within a few minutes, they were flying high in
the sky, and the Mootix adjusted his gear one last time. Just as he was about
to jump out of the plane, Darren jumped up and hurdled himself at Harry with
just enough force to knock him straight out of the door of the plane.
Screaming frantically and trying to regain his
composure in midair, Harry glared back up at the troublemaker, who was getting
smaller and smaller. Finally, he managed to sustain a fair position until he
was close enough to the ground to release the parachute and float to safety.
When he landed, the class cheered. "That was
great!" one student complimented.
"Thanks," Harry smiled, glad to be safe on the
The plane landed, and Darren scurried out, trying
not to be noticed. Unfortunately for him, Harry noticed his attempted escape
and stopped him.
"Do you know what you could've done?" he asked
irately. "If I hadn't managed to recover within a few seconds, I could've plummeted
to the ground. This is the only chance you get. I'm warning you, if anything
like this happens EVER again, you will not have the honor of attending this
class again."
"Yeah, whatever. I was just playing around,"
he retorted.
The Mootix could hardly harness his anger towards
the rebellious Vernax as he dismissed the class.
Anthony emerged from his plane just in time to
see Darren stomping off, and the rest of the class leaving. "I couldn't help
but notice the rivalry. What was going on?"
"Oh, nothing. I just had a little talk with one
of the more outgoing students," Harry replied.
The Moach raised a skeptical eyebrow. "That's
it? Very well then, I suppose I shall leave you to your own business, eh? See
you next week then lad," Anthony said, turning to pack his supplies.
As Harry walked home, a cascade of water unexpectedly
started pouring from the quickly forming dark clouds, and he desperately wished
for Tila's plane right about then. Pulling his jacket hood up, he hoped with
all his heart that he would have no more trouble from Darren. But little did
he know that the trouble had only begun.
To be continued...