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by spiker7786

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The Neopets TCG: Best of the Base Set
This article is written with the assumption that you know the basics of playing the Neopets TCG. Hopefully after reading this, it will give you an idea of which cards are best for you and your deck.

by slickninja


The Werelupe Saga, Chapter 1: Part Two
"Settle down Colbolt. You transforming and getting back at the guy only proves him more right. Just ignore him," Maylas said calmly.

by neojolteon2


Baby Blues
Finding a plushie at the Money Tree...

by cutiekitty234


Rage Alone II: Solitary Retribution - Part Three
A pile of boulders, both big and small, spread out over the side of the mountain. He remembered it being smooth mountains, but he never did know how large of an explosion Fethva made. He was surprised he survived it if it did all of this.

by nomad2

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