Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 115,191,906 Issue: 230 | 9th day of Running, Y8
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Further Adventures of Brainy and E

by vhimber2004

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Out of the Blue

by harpytemper5


Razzle Dazzle
Win great prizes! ... or maybe get eaten.

by khestrel


Fyora's Chambers - An Altadorian Tragedy
Scene: A stage, set to resemble a large, high-ceilinged room made of stone. Twilight filtering through Large Patterned Arched windows at the left, rear, and right of the stage reveal lavish décor, which, if one was playing a word-association game, would surely evoke terms such as "purple" and "puffy".

by leucothea


My Little Aggravation
I winced. "Don't call me Mikey," I said through gritted teeth. "And it's a journal, not a diary..."

by imagiknight

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