White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 90,555,864 Issue: 166 | 12th day of Storing, Y6
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by _lordofthefrogs_

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Five Lottery Tickets
"Why do we always do this?" Otur asked. She had heard the story at least a hundred times, but it always made her owner happy to tell it.

by shadowcristal


Collecting Avatars: A Worst Case Scenario
As you all well know, avatars are the biggest craze since... sliced bread. Being an avatar collector myself, I have gone through some really bad/funny experiences while trying to obtain them.

by xxxlilravenxxx


The True Face of a Faerie: Soup Faerie
A few shop owners scrutinize the dusty, populous streets. They can tell that the roads are so crammed because the pets and their owners are in a line. Most know that this line is not just any line - it is the line to the Soup Kitchen.

by draconis_minoris


Makyan and Me V
She'll never know...

by cleoannie

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