Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 150,952,996 Issue: 232 | 24th day of Running, Y8
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Phwoar! That stinks!

by k_aren_z

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Mootix Madness - Bring it on Jhudora!
"How much did you say you were worth again?"

by leoness


A Handful of [LDP] Sand?! *Hmph*
What else do you expect us to do with ALL this useless sand, eh?

by purplepassiony2k


High-End Guild Dos and Don'ts
Choosing a name is probably the hardest part of making a guild. You want something that catches the eye and is sophisticated.

by notmylife


Solkaris: The Narrative - Part Five
At their feet were three smaller disks, each with a Selket engraved upon it, facing upwards, looking up at the great talons of the birds. It was complete befuddlement to me, but to the Aisha archaeologist it was as easy as a two-piece jigsaw...

by x_marks_the_spot

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