Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 150,952,996 Issue: 232 | 24th day of Running, Y8
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Life of Pea

by voodoodollee

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An Interview... with Dr. Sloth
Finally, I found him in a very rural area of Kreludor. The only footsteps ever taken there were of Dr. Sloth's, and then very soon mine as well. Read on to find out how this seemly horrific interview turns out…

by wam1994


That's Just Not Right!
What was it you called them?

by anjie


Give the Kiko a Cookie!
Just one bite?

by leo814


An Adventure Worth Writing About
Day 4, 5th day of Running: I'm here in the Lost City (is it really lost anymore?) of Geraptiku. I'm an archaeologist...

by shadowlink29

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