A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 117,885,008 Issue: 236 | 21st day of Eating, Y8
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Notions and Nonsense - Lemonade Stand

by patjade

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Return of the Double Agent: Part Four
Following proper work ethics, Cylene wrote it all down, shaking with suppressed mirth...

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The Happiest Quiggle
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The Vegetation Revolution: Hidden Tower
May you like it or not, vegetables are in the Battledome now, and they’re out to do some massive damage. No one should underestimate the power of health food...

by mazoku_kuiin


Twenty Terrifying Items of which to Beware
Do you and your pets enjoy taking frightening voyages into the Haunted Woods? Are you fascinated by terrifying items? Do you want to explode every time you come across a cute, cuddly Snowbunny? If so, then you have come to the right article...

by lassie_nikki

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