Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 117,885,008 Issue: 236 | 21st day of Eating, Y8
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by bluepen

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ConFUNded - In School
So MAYBE it could be useful...

by vhgvoov


The Vegetation Revolution: Hidden Tower
May you like it or not, vegetables are in the Battledome now, and they’re out to do some massive damage. No one should underestimate the power of health food...

by mazoku_kuiin


Life With Virgos:2.0
Darn, again?!

by colormaster360


Losing Your Keys
The Gelert padded through, followed by Yantarni, who stared around with huge, scared eyes. The Game Graveyard was full of fluttering shadows...

by sulphurheadmatches

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