Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 117,885,008 Issue: 236 | 21st day of Eating, Y8
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Ludicrously Odd

by nyteviper

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Great stories!


Chomper's Journal: An Arkmite's Story
Everyone's afraid of me! I only bite and snarl when I want to play with everyone, for Kelpbeard's sake!

by duster119


A Whackable Guide to Splat-a-Sloth
But the true Splat-A-Sloth master knows that there is more to the game than just those simple things. And, in this article, you shall finally learn this secret knowledge...

by silent_snow


WARNING: Paint Does Not Wash Off
Paint will not wash off of your pet, so choose wisely...

by hypergirl3030


Walk the Plank: Part Seven
The room was still dark. Nothing had moved overnight, although the ship still rocked gently back and forth from the motion of the outside waves...

by puppy200010

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