An Extreme Guide to Extreme Potato Counter by trumpet123dude
MERIDELL - Here I lay before you, the gracious reader, a guide to the craziest
game you will ever play!… Barren, peeled, and exposed… for your own personal benefit!!!
After all, don’t you ever wish you could win massive amounts of neopoints, a shiny
trophy, and an avatar from just one game? Well, it’s very possible! And all you
need to do is know how to count; simple, eh? Well… it isn’t.
This is my guide for the awesome game called Extreme Potato Counter. Potatoes
will fly across your screen in every direction, and you need to count them while
they move! Now, even looking at the name can intimidate a player. I mean, it's
EXTREME Potato Counter, not just the normal, run-of-the-mill Potato Counter.
This game is controlled by an “extreme” Wocky sporting a Mohawk, sunglasses
and, you guessed it, a potato sack (I hear it’s all the rage in Meridell; I’m
not much of a fan, though. That stuff itches!).
Now you may think, “This game sounds a little too extreme for me, and I don’t
think I will be able to reach avatar/trophy level for it…” *cough*… Well… you
may very well be right! Just kidding, anyone can excel at the game; all you
need is to work up good eye-(mind?) coordination, get a lot of practice, and
have good estimating skills. I dove into this game hoping for an easy trophy
and found it took more work than I thought.
Don’t be discouraged! Let us begin on our magical journey through the perilous
land of flying potatoes, and other foreign objects, with:
The Main Idea: As stated in the description of the game, all one needs
to do is type “how many [potatoes] you saw.” Overall, it is a simple game, though
the difficulty level rapidly increases after the first, say, 3 to 5 levels.
There is not much else to the game than this. Honestly.
The Not-So-Simple “Other” Idea: Now as you excel through the levels
in the game, other objects will begin to fly across the screen. They appear
like so: Carrots – Level 4, Corn – Level 5, Bigger Carrots and Corn in consecutive
levels, Ummagine Fruit – Level 7. Also, there will be onions later! *eyes water*
The Counting: Now, the important part: Counting. It is a skill we’ve
all developed from when we were wee, whiny babies (like the alliteration? I
worked hard on that!). As you begin the game potatoes will fly across the screen
at a relatively slow pace. Gradually this pace increases and so does the number
of potatoes. The technique I use is to count the potatoes as soon as I see them
come onto the screen. This I believe is the simplest and easiest way to count
them, as one will not have to try to count a massive amount of potatoes all
clumped in the center of the screen. I say the numbers out loud, and have developed
my own “shorthand” way of saying them. As I get closer to the teens I try to
keep the numbers to one syllable, such as “Len,” “Twel,” “Thirn,” “Fourn,” and
so on and so forth. In the twenties I count normally, but very very quickly.
Slurring your words helps a lot as you can say the numbers more quickly as the
potatoes fly on the screen.
The Counting – Later Levels: As one progresses further into the game
the potatoes fly across the screen much more quickly, and more and more of them
will appear. Thus, I have developed a technique where I am able to keep track
of two different numbers in my head at the same time. (I’m not insane, hear
me out!) The main number is the number of potatoes easily counted as they come
on the screen – The other, my mind trying to remember how many I missed. As
you count, keep track of those potatoes that didn’t have time to make it into
the bigger number, due to time constraints. As I progress, I often have one
number, in the 30s-40s or 50s and a second ranging from 1 missed potato, up
to 5 or 6. These numbers will be simply added together at the end of the level,
and hopefully you will no longer miss potatoes! (It is hard to master, but the
technique pays off). If you don’t want to do this, then count fast and guess!
HOW Many Are There?!?!?: Here I have tried to use my knowledge from
my Potato Counting career to compile a list of how many potatoes you will encounter
each level:
Level 1: 6 to 10 Potatoes – Always this range
Level 2: 9 to 15 Potatoes – Always this range
Level 3: 12 to 25 Potatoes – May vary by 1
Level 4: Anywhere from mid-teens to high twenties
Level 5: Similar to Level 4, not as likely to get a number in the “teens”
Level 6: Varies between low to mid twenties and mid to upper thirties
Level 7 – on: You figure it out for yourself!
This is only meant to be a general outline for beginner or intermediate players,
as I have not yet perfected the range for the third to fifth level of the game
– and I am never going to for the future levels. I am 100% certain about the
first two, and about 92.7% sure about the third level.
Estimating: This is a major part in the game when you proceed into the
later levels, because, let's face it, no one can always count all of those potatoes.
With a lot of practice, you will get very good at estimating within one potato
of the total count, which is what I tend to miss it by, sadly. There really
is no advice I can give for this… Well, there is, I lied. What I do when I have
lost count of my potatoes is I count as many more potatoes as I can until the
end of the level. Then to my total number I add on an estimated amount of potatoes
that I think I missed. That’s all you can do when they get too fast o.O…
A Pattern to the Madness: There are two different patterns that the
game will follow. Basically you can call them the “low to mid” pattern and the
“mid to high” pattern. As you may have guessed, this deals with how many potatoes
you get! Now “low to mid” might seem appealing, but really you want the “mid
to high.” Let me explain… or try to, at least:
Low to Mid: This pattern is where you get potato counts on the lower
end of the spectrum. Why isn’t this good? It’s easier to count, but the game
has certain target potato counts for the total at the end of every level. When
you get to later in the game (potato count around 130-160) it needs to make
up for the lack of potatoes, and Wham! You’re hit with 50+ potatoes! This is
what I have found; it may be completely false, you never know. This pattern
generally starts with a 6 or 7 count on the first level, and a low count on
the second.
Mid to High: This pattern = good. You get nice, fairly predictable counts
of potatoes which generally add to form the target number after every level.
There shouldn’t be too many sudden increases, and it’s easier to handle since
you are gradually getting higher numbers?! This pattern generally start with
an 8, 9, or 10 count in the first level, and a number in the second level that
will get you a total of around 20.
The Score: There is a very simple scoring system for this game. For
every level you complete, the amount of potatoes counted is added to your total
score! (For example, if you count 7 potatoes in the first level, and 11 in the
second, you will have a score of 18) You’ll notice a pattern in the total scores,
eventually, and it goes something like this:
Level 1: 6-10 points - usually in between.
Level 2: 15-25 points - normally high teens or low twenties.
Level 3: 30-40 something points - normally not thirty or low forties
Level 4: Mid 50s-66 points - not sure about the extremes, score will usually
be somewhere in-between
Level 5: Anywhere from in the 70s up to the 90s
Level 6: Anywhere from the high 90s to almost 115
Level 7: Anywhere from around 110 to 140s
Level 8: Anywhere from 140s to the 180s
Level 9: Anywhere from 160s to 220s
Level 10: Anywhere from 200s to 280s
Level 11: If you get there… then you don’t need this guide!
I am not sure about the range for level 10 because I have never beaten it (once
I got to 226 and then missed the next guess by 1 potato!) but the other score
ranges are pretty accurate.
The Pay: Now I know I have all of your attention. As stated on the game’s
page, you receive a whopping 700 NP for every 100 points! This is a very good
game to do if you just want neopoints. A score 143 or greater is needed to get
1,000 NP a go, but once you have practiced enough, this should come relatively
easily! Get 3,000 extra neopoints a day, in just a couple minutes!
That’s about it! I’ve tried to cover every single possible section that I could
think about for this game. If you want a high score, or the avatar, then you
will need practice, unfortunately. This is also a great game to play everyday
for 3,000 neopoints!
I hope I have been able to help you in your quest to potato counting greatness.
It is a challenging one, filled with flying vegetables, and probably other objects
that can cause a great deal of cranial pain! (It’s not fun to be hit with a
potato, just take my word on that)
Remember to have fun - it can get quite frustrating!