Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 118,221,339 Issue: 237 | 2nd day of Hunting, Y8
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NeoRiddles!!! - Cafe Kredulor

by ejwarrior08

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Unquenchable: Part Three
“Has it ever occurred to you that sometimes sorry isn’t good enough?” she said haughtily. “There is only so much I can take from a scoundrel like you. What are you even doing, leaving here? Are you trying to escape from Darigan, or something?”

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The Gallery of Oddballs
There are some Neopians who should never be called normal...

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A Confusing Conglomeration: Part Five
The Alien Aisha Commander leapt to the side and snatched up the Blue Shoyru. Holding her close as a shield, he backed up towards the wall...

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No, wait, there's still Coltzan's Shrine.

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