Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 118,221,339 Issue: 237 | 2nd day of Hunting, Y8
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Day Old Phish Theater Presents: The Question

by phish_bon3s

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The Shoyru Tamer: Part Six
“Aw, how cute,” Jhudora said sarcastically. “The little baby losers are teaming up.” She laughed. “No matter how powerful your magic is, Sammy, I’ll always be better than you. Evil is always better than good.”

by dragoncatcher_sammy


The Mysterious Customer
Stumbling out of bed, I asked Arribon one more question. "Do you have any idea where Shesta went? She always sleeps in on Saturdays."

by harsan_09


A Confusing Conglomeration: Part Five
The Alien Aisha Commander leapt to the side and snatched up the Blue Shoyru. Holding her close as a shield, he backed up towards the wall...

by appaloosa500


The Misunderstoods- Are They REALLY Evil?
Right now, you are either thinking that I am crazy or that I am a villain and/or supporter of evil, evil, vicious things, and that the Ghost Lupe fits into this category. After all, he is in the Gallery of Evil, right? WRONG.

by shroomsrock101

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