Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 118,491,560 Issue: 238 | 5th day of Hunting, Y8
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Absolute Randomness

by cinzia19

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Random Contests We Hope to Not See
You can find it in fields, decorate your neohome with it, paint your pet’s petpet dung, and should you even be daring enough, you can even eat it with a wide range of dung delicacies. But would you want it to be art as well?

Also by seth_z

by silentbutterfly


Questionable Taste
Dinner is SERVED!

Idea by lightningryu

by anti_doirn


Eggs or Neggs?
Are neggs more nutritious than eggs? Can eggs be as pretty as neggs? There are a lot of questions we would like to have answered...

by twiddl3d33


The Orphan and the Beast: Part Two
“Leah, stop!” he whispered hoarsely, but the Wocky didn’t seem to notice him. She moved quietly forward as if in a daze, her footsteps soft and her eyes fixed upon the strange entity...

by sarahleeadvent

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