Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 118,491,560 Issue: 238 | 5th day of Hunting, Y8
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by sharkies

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The Star of Friendship
Her purple faerie wings fluttered every once in a while, and her violet hair was only slightly disheveled. But this was only on the outside. Inside, the Faerie Queen was furious...

by ezparanza


The Orphan and the Beast: Part Two
“Leah, stop!” he whispered hoarsely, but the Wocky didn’t seem to notice him. She moved quietly forward as if in a daze, her footsteps soft and her eyes fixed upon the strange entity...

by sarahleeadvent


The Dark Before the Dawn II: My Other Half: Part Two
I couldn’t help but think that what the doctor had told us was odd. I almost didn’t believe him. I’ve never known Sugar to place the blame on someone else if she knows it was not their fault...

by jambammer


Some pets are so not funny it's funny... hehe

by jbear113

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