Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 98,662,396 Issue: 167 | 19th day of Storing, Y6
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Extraordinary Boredom

by frayed_promise_

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Why is Dr. Sloth called 'Doctor'?

by kittidust


Telltale the Darigan Dancer: Part One
Many of a tale tell about the circlet; how it is encrusted by a special hypnotic power, how it burns fiercely in the hands of the holder, or in this case the head...but why?

by cruzerchic123


The Advantages of Being a Pack Rat
There is always one person in everyone's family that just can't seem to let go of those items that everyone else find useless. I have always been one of those people...

by kevsgrl2004


Cellblock - Behind the Scenes
I don't know if you ever played Cellblock before, but if you did, you probably just laugh and snicker at every prisoner/thing every time you win.

by twestie

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