A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 119,338,143 Issue: 240 | 19th day of Hunting, Y8
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Meepit War Tactics

by cytherea007

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The Vegetation Revolution: Smugglers' Cove
Swords, axes and shields: three obvious weapons of choice for your battling Neopets. However, the Battledome does not always work this way.

by mazoku_kuiin


Trading Post - a Simple Guide
It has been my experience that a good many Neopians tend to overlook the Trading Post as a viable source of good deals, either because they haven't the patience to seek them out or because they are driven away by the chance at making a bad deal. I find it a shame...

by tyleraapje


You Should Never Be Too Cocky
Geraptiku. The abandoned city. The name alone gave him thrills of the discoveries and adventures hidden deep within the tomb...

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Head in the Clouds
Candykitty has adopted a Cybunny...

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