teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 120,207,245 Issue: 243 | 9th day of Relaxing, Y8
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Neopian Neophyte

by leedom111

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ConFUNded-Mysteries of Neopia
Where's your sense of scientific experimentation?

by vhgvoov


Mum didn't even look up from the book she was reading, sprawled on the bed with candy wrappers littered all over the bed. "More chocolate pretzels." Sana let out a little sigh...

by lightninglover34


The Argument of a Anti-Sloth
We all know that Dr. Sloth is the unquestionable ruler of the universe and will conquer Neopia sooner or later. So why then are there some who oppose him?

Also by jamesuk2

by azellica


Behind the Forbidden Door: Part One
A moment later the screen was filled by the squint-eyed face of an alien Aisha, who did his best to subdue the trembling in his paws. "So, Flingon," Sloth purred...

by sarahleeadvent

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