Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 120,791,029 Issue: 244 | 16th day of Relaxing, Y8
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by cozygen

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The Fall of Qasala: Part Seven
As much as I hated Jazan, I knew that Razul loved him intensely, and that his loss would prove devastating for my King. I wanted more than anything to go down onto the sand and search for Jazan and Nightsteed...

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Notions and Nonsense: The Cure
Side effects include Pant Devil raids, Snowager Blasts, and being eaten by Swamp Ghouls...

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It's Gebalicious!

by rapperdalizard33


Babysitting Blues: Part Three
"YES!" Andy yelled as the window opened easily for him. He quickly jumped in and shut it...

by dragons_rule211

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