There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 132,988,897 Issue: 246 | 30th day of Relaxing, Y8
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Summer is here!

by sunny_pet

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Glorious Guilds
There are so many different kinds of guilds, so how do you choose which one to join? Well, you want a guild that will describe you!

by lihiaxox


Wish for Authority
RoyGBiv, or Roy as most called him, groaned. How could his Meerca sister love doing chores? It seemed it seemed as if that was all he and Zeppy did...

by kindheartedfairy


Something Fishy...
Have you ever seen this strange creature in the sea depths and started running for your life in fear? There is no reason to be afraid since it’s only the Ghoti – a joyful, kind and friendly Petpet...

by aeriel7


The Lenny...

by verallien

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