Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 110,013,549 Issue: 158 | 20th day of Gathering, Y6
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Disturbed and Dangerous

by tiddle_girl

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Evil Masterminds
"There's Sloth!" I whispered to Yotaria, but she didn't hear, being too occupied with waving a hoof at Darigan. "And Kass! And there's the Jelly Chia, and the Grundo Spider, and... Lyrian?!"

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Ironies Of Neopia
"Lucky Star Encounter"

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The Search for Petpet World: Part One
It had been three years since Jobo was born. He had turned out to be smart and useful around the home. But, one day, when he was turning four, he had suddenly stopped using his intelligence...

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A Mind in the Moonlight: Part Two
"During the daytime you'll need to go to the Defenders of Neopia headquarters and sneak around a bit. Gather information, and take special notes about any names that come up. Got it?"

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