Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 123,710,650 Issue: 248 | 14th day of Swimming, Y8
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Only in Neopia...

by aokajin

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Beans On Toast
Ever seen it rain Yooyu balls and wondered why?

by katz_number_1


The Price of Faith: Part Five
We knew that Meridell, of all places, wouldn't fancy seeing a Darkness Faerie wandering about their town. And nobody would believe that I was just there to browse...

by mutedsanity


Illustrious Ixis
Ixi originated in Meridell, and can now but found far and wide all over Neopia. With their soft, shimmering fur and adorable, miniature horns, it’s no wonder...

by lassie_nikki


What's for Dinner?
Mmm... Cement.

by imagiknight

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