White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 123,710,650 Issue: 248 | 14th day of Swimming, Y8
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by velveteen

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TCNI: Dr. Sloth and the Carnival of Terror
We've spoken to Dr. Sloth and the Chia Clown on why they both know each other and how they met. They both revealed data that has never before been seen or heard...

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Plushie Palace Pandemonium
The day that Shaye plushies went on sale.

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Illustrious Ixis
Ixi originated in Meridell, and can now but found far and wide all over Neopia. With their soft, shimmering fur and adorable, miniature horns, it’s no wonder...

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At the Altador Cup Sign-in Tent #2
Stupid gravity...

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