Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 123,710,650 Issue: 248 | 14th day of Swimming, Y8
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by ghostkomorichu

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Behind the Forbidden Door: Part Six
As soon as he laid eyes on his former servant, Sloth decided that Flingon was both brilliant and a total idiot...

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Kotureo and the Magic Asparagus: a Pirate's Quest
Kotureo was a great pirate, who sailed the Mystery Channel (that one that runs between Mystery Island and Krawk Island) many many years ago. He's most renowned for one great adventure involving Coconut JubJubs, a band of scurvy Pink Kacheeks...

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The Muffin Guide
On Neopets, muffins are even more special than they are in the real world because you can eat them AND battle with them.

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Coffee House Madness
That poor Coffee Shop shopkeeper thought she had seen every kind of customer, until she met this one.

by bmw_amw_009

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