Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 124,395,024 Issue: 250 | 28th day of Swimming, Y8
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The Problem With Snow Pets

by twinkle_28

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Forgotten Memories: The Diary of The Lab Scientist
Today, I felt like having a swim.

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The Mynci Squad: Part Two
 "Let's do this," Liza growled, stirring her paint brush in the violet paint resting in the canister...

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Destruct-O-Match Guide and Tips
Destruct-O-Match II is one of those games that when you practice, you get better. Practice makes perfect!

by snorklex3


A Gnawing Curiosity
In my opinion, the Times is better than books--at least the Times doesn’t burst into a cloud of discolored smoke when you’re done with it.

by literalluau

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