Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 124,888,518 Issue: 252 | 11th day of Hiding, Y8
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Random Conversations with a Royal Zafara

by firefree_animegirl

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Royal Stain
DaemonBane was the next victim. It was a couple days after Ivy had found the face, but Daemon didn't know that...

by stargal145


Curtain Call
In which complications arise, and a bathtub is needed.

by kyuukon


The Kougra Klan: Part Two
"Guanya!" she moaned, scooping him up. "You're a strong one, aren't you? And cheeky!" Guanya kicked his legs...

by ikea_sale


Aishas In Neopia
Have you ever noticed just how many Aishas there are in Neopia versus other pets? Sure, you do see other pets, but almost everywhere you go, you see an Aisha or two. I certainly noticed this, and traveled Neopia to find out how many Aishas there really are.

by 124456789xxzc

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