For an easier life Circulation: 124,888,518 Issue: 252 | 11th day of Hiding, Y8
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'Cause We Are Bad News

by branidi

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Cardboard Pet Woes
You already have a petpet.

by lulu78629


Facts and Truths: Exploring Geraptiku
Don't fall behind when exploring the Lost City of Geraptiku.

by corsair_357


Vive Le Cheese!
"My dear friends and countrymen! The day we have so longed for is finally come! The day that we celebrate our most prized food! Our wonderful... delectable... CHEESE!"

by zenxtreme


Racing to Glory: Part One
Solid faerie-smoke surrounded it on three sides. It was heading straight for a solid wall on the fourth. Raising a purple-gloved hand, the rider shook a fist...

by ee365

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