Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 124,888,518 Issue: 252 | 11th day of Hiding, Y8
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The Electric Notebook strikes!

by littlemisskirby

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Pirates Versus Ninjas
Which side are you on?

by katu_fushigi


Encountering Resistance: Part Five
The Research Facility where Mirkelloyd "worked" was behind the Sloth Desert crater. Once, if the legends were to be believed, there had been a magnificent obelisk at this spot...

by moosuem


Royal Stain
DaemonBane was the next victim. It was a couple days after Ivy had found the face, but Daemon didn't know that...

by stargal145


Insanity (At the Petpet Lab)
Ever wonder why the kookith at the petpet lab is so... mad? And what is with the funny names he gives?

by vietbabi07

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