Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 126,483,444 Issue: 255 | 1st day of Gathering, Y8
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The Truth Behind the Giant Omelette

by m3rcuri

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Dear Neopia
I feel a bit odd writing this, as I don't know to whom I am writing. I have only felt this way once before...

by star_29791


Spiffeh: Falling Stars
They should come with a manual.

by riddle_twins


Absolute Rubbish
Why ghosts don't play yooyuball...

by littledrummergirl92


Brain Busters
Maybe it's time you take the road less traveled. You can play games that will give you some shiny Neopoints while you're getting smarter. No kidding!

Also by tenthz

by sillyliss

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