Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 126,511,783 Issue: 256 | 8th day of Gathering, Y8
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Flaming Zafara

by tektikin

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I'm a Little Teapot...
Tea has been produced for hundreds of years in Neopia, and the art of tea serving has been passed down from generation to generation of well-born Neopets.

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The Story of a Weapon: Part Three
She felt like she had been running forever. She couldn't quite remember when the day she fled ended and today began. She had no idea how much time had passed...

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Sol Dreaming: Part One
Captain Quack, Aquamarine's intelligent Mallard, is watching him from behind the door. Why is he here? He said he was going to Krawk Island for business...

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Shunned Shoyrus
Shoyrus are the most beloved pets of all Neopia, with their big, adorable eyes, their long, smooth tail, their small curved horn, and their cute, delicate wings. Yet through all of Neopian history, they have had little chance to show their shine.

by lunaquarrian

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