The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 127,331,912 Issue: 258 | 22nd day of Gathering, Y8
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by ghostkomorichu

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It's Raining, It's Pouring and Faerieland is Falling
Faerieland is falling! Ruuuuunnnnn!!!!!

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How to Be a Fire Faerie: Part One
Although, I reflected bitterly as I wandered down the bumpy track, I was only here because Dad had made me. I growled softly under my breath...

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Spreading Sunshine
"You say that every day," the Eyrie said waspishly. "How can you still think, after all these months, that anyone would want to adopt you?"

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How To Get Away From Troubles
Ouch, guess that didn't turn out right...

by sky_wonder

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