teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 130,067,293 Issue: 259 | 29th day of Gathering, Y8
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UnNormal - Tyrannian Fishing

by cozygen

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The Legend of Paraiso: Part Three
He was not used to the thick coat that he now wore. All of Paraiso now wore them - the weather was getting to be so cold...

by jeanaet


The Protecter Chronicles: The Beginning of the End - Part Four
"Psst. Don't do that, they don't like it--you'll just get poked with a spear. If you want to look around, then wait until the guard isn't looking."

by angelfire_from_above


A black book lies abandoned on the stone table. The cover, illuminated only by the dim light of three torches hanging from the walls, bears the following name in flowing golden script...

by yatomiyuka


Royal Dilemma
Inspired by the image of the sick royal girl Kyrii.

by hikarru

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