teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 127,792,023 Issue: 260 | 6th day of Collecting, Y8
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Colorful Snowflakes

by chibikatza

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Skunk Zafara
YAHOO!!!!! I'm a skunk zafara now!!!!!!!!

by sistersmazoky


The newest victim...

by sylpheryn


Are "Special" Items Really So Special?
First of all, they are apparently special enough to have their own category in your safety deposit box. However, they are not special enough to have any rhyme or reason to their organization.

by iluvclarkkent


What Happened to the Grarrls, Eh?
I have come to write this article because I am "concerned" about my species. I mean, have you seen the pound boards lately? Most of them are Grarrls!

by triss_ze_swordmaid

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