Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 128,455,649 Issue: 262 | 20th day of Collecting, Y8
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Don't Ask

by snowcat737373

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Hyperbole Blues
In which Tsuki gets pwned...

Also by loriika

by spidersheep


Brotherly, Sisterly Love (well, kind of): Part Two
What if Courtney had returned and discovered he was not in his room? Or what if Xrai had come barging into his room to taunt him, only to find that the prisoner had escaped? Courtney would kill him...

by 3dcourtney12044


Why the Smugglers are REALLY in Trouble
Oh dear.

Art by linnipooh

by danman111111


The History and Guide to the Beauty Contest
The Beauty Contest is a contest whereby people showcase their beloved pets to get people to vote for them, and whoever gets the most votes in that species wins...

by wongvolution

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