Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 135,120,768 Issue: 263 | 27th day of Collecting, Y8
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The Little Blue Poogle

by koshi24

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Edna and the Halloween Costumes
Is that a real witch?

by smockey11


Needed Adventure: Part Ten
He was barreling down the side of the hill so quickly now, though, that he hardly had time to consider this puzzle before he met it head on, hitting the base of the hill and sliding out, spinning in circles, across the icy surface...

by tdyans


Halloween Marathon
"I don't know. I've been wanting to really stretch my wings lately--" She stopped, and her red eyes lit up. "Stretch our wings...."

Also by dreagoddess

by schefflera


The Korbat from Krawk Island
"Yarr!" he said, in a heavy pirate accent. Without being assigned a seat, he walked through the narrow space between the wooden desks...

by myfallenrevival4

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