Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 135,120,768 Issue: 263 | 27th day of Collecting, Y8
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Eight's A Crowd

by loveablelittlebaby

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Define Idiocy
Treat or Terror!

by darkness1300


"What houses haven't we visited yet?" questioned Leyla, staring at the different homes that were all brightly lit and lavishly decorated....

by blubblub317


Never Too Old for Halloween
It's not like Sweet to miss trick-or-treating, she thought, exiting the living room and turning towards the stairs...

by precious_katuch14


Dark Fate: Part Two
I cast my eyes at the sky. Thick black clouds like billowing smoke covered the stars and moon and deepened the shadows of the night. A sleek tongue of lightning whipped across the sky. Is this a dream? What's happening to me?

by yatomiyuka

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