The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 135,120,765 Issue: 267 | 22nd day of Storing, Y8
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by maiinoki

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PPL Policies
All petpets are equal. :)

by xiceangelzx


The Far Side: Part One
But then the Big Hope had come, on the wings of a traveling Uni, preaching the untapped riches and the unspoiled beauty of the Far Side. Beautiful things had been painted in those words, but those words were empty. She stared around her, and wondered how she had ever fallen for such sweet words...

by redcod323


Why Am I So Blue?
I was a very curious little Xweetok, constantly getting myself into tight situations from which my owner, Elfwick, would have to rescue me. I remember one particular adventure better than any other. It was the adventure that inspired me to become a Defender of Neopia...

by elfwick


Don't Ask!
October is for Squares...

by snowcat737373

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