Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 135,120,765 Issue: 267 | 22nd day of Storing, Y8
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Why Me?!

by faerie_zaffy

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Another Random Day in Insanity
I hate being a Korbat.

by tryaniapiumtreon


A Question of Worth: Part One
Springing forward, he swiped a vase off its table and watched it smash on the floor. The resulting crash, and shards of pottery, were satisfactory, but not quite enough. Christopher's paws shot out, and he heaved the table up...

by extreme_fj0rd


Hmm... This doesn't seem right...

by sharkies


How to Pick the Right Instruments for Others
I really think I have good taste on which instruments should be played and which should be packed away in a cake and eaten by the Turmaculus. I shall list twelve random instruments that first come to mind.

by pirate_ahoy

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