teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 135,120,763 Issue: 268 | 1st day of Celebrating, Y8
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If Only...

by pencil_cases

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At the AstroVilla: Part Nine
"Maybe this place was built after the rest of the hotel." Luther's hushed voice came from farther below this time. Cypher followed slowly and steadily, always feeling around with her foot before taking a step. She was starting to get used to the pitch blackness...

by kemppotatoe


The Last Real Fake Magician
Staggering back, he looked at what, or rather who, he'd run into. It was a red Shoyru in a black silk top hat and cape...

by neesboy


The Princess Letters
My father, Coltzan, and I knew that someday, such an event was eventually going to happen. We realized that you would eventually have a desire to go back and reclaim your own kingdom...

by myfallenrevival4


The Trouble with New Clothes
"Washing machine?" The Shop Wizard looked stumped. This, I decided, was a bad sign...

by forty2stars

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