Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 135,120,757 Issue: 269 | 8th day of Celebrating, Y8
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Let Me Finish My Sentence

by texastiki

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Stances In Battling and Training Defence
When you battle in the dome you need to choose an ability to use for every move.

Also by dogfriend2

by featheralley


A Break in Memory: Part Eight
"DeSoni? DeSoni!" he pleaded, first gently tapping, then worriedly shaking the small, unresponsive yellow Aisha's body...

by appaloosa500


How to Make the Best of the Holidays
There's no need for any anxiety!

by missbrighid


Ioshva's BC blues
Trophies don't go on your head!

by jlnmellon_112

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