Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 135,120,757 Issue: 269 | 8th day of Celebrating, Y8
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That's just Wrong-Mortog madness

by happychick111

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Into the Sea: Part Two
So she just stared at Sasha, with her arms crossed, waiting for her to get out of the pool. Katrina knew eventually she would. Besides, she didn't like forcing Sasha to do things. And Doctor Velt told her not to make Sasha do anything she didn't want to. So Katrina waited...

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Aubrise and the Gebmid Mystery: Part Seven
Sarina suddenly stopped and held the torch up so Aubrise could see what lay ahead. A few feet further along the floor dropped away down a slope into blackness...

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Let Me Finish My Sentence
Didn't you hear?

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Trenner Sayz
At least Dr. Sloth's easier to defeat THIS time...

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