Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 132,843,258 Issue: 270 | 15th day of Celebrating, Y8
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Neo Puffs

by thebobiscoming

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Revisited: Part One
The house was gargantuan, and the landscaping was marvelous and looked expensive. But what did the pets that lived inside it look like? Undoubtedly they were rich...

by puppy200010


A Thousand Miles
Ruff arf?

by blackcairn


Unique Constructions in Neopia
Construction, renovation, and revolution in architectural approach all around the globe of Neopia are really achieving their high peak. Dramatic changes could be seen all throughout year 7.

by shady_lanem


Will No One Think of the Petpets?
It's no small wonder why the Petpet Protection League was formed, but what are they really doing to stop the rampant petpet abuse in Neopia?

by miranda822

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