Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 90,555,321 Issue: 168 | 2nd day of Celebrating, Y6
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All the Pretty Bubbles

by naniwai_illusion

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Great stories!


A Scrap of Reality
"A Little Cute"

by shikononi


Oh Holidays

by alisha_star11


Wishes by Moonlight
Every day was a test of survival, but the only thing that really happened was walking, scavenging for food, and more walking. He wished that something would happen...something that happened for the better of the pack.

by smurfafied1800


The Lost City of Geraptiku
Kana wasn't one to like politics, but having the treasure on Mystery Island, would be rightfully the villager's treasure right? It was for the people who inhabited the island, not the pirates!

by andre_1993

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