Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 157,654,463 Issue: 272 | 29th day of Celebrating, Y8
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Earn Your Stripes

by yellowembers

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Dear Akkani
It always saddens me when I go down to the beach and I know that your beautiful smile and somehow haunting voice I will not find anywhere, no matter how hard I look...

by akkani


Snow Blumaroo: I'm alive?

by coshi_dragonite


A Heroine's Heist: Part One
Cassie rarely ever visited this part of Sakhmet to see Stan, but when she did, Stan was not amused...

by jayandcourtneyk


(Not So) Squeaky Clean

I'm not saying that my teammates didn't want to be the best. I'm saying that they took the easy way out.

I'm saying that they cheated...

by hugthepinapple

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