Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 131,950,016 Issue: 271 | 22nd day of Celebrating, Y8
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A Slorgtastic Christmas!

by jellybeanott

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The Secret Behind Pyramids
...meepits are everywhere!

by alu_chan


Neko's Christmas Special
Hoseki's Chistmas?

by akakoneko


A Bori's Christmas
Something in Apoc snapped. "I hate this holiday!" he cried. "It's a cheap case for the Toy Shop to triple its sales! And you never get me what I want anyway! Last year I wanted a Darigan Paint Brush, but you said no! You're the worst owner ever!"

by mystery_island111223


A Hug A Day!
You'd have to be CRAZY to not like hugs! Unless you're a bratty yurble...

by greyska

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